Camp Lowrie Films produced the Summer Vacation series, which was the first series created by Cloudy Logic, previously known as Cloud9 Entertainment. These films are set during a summer vacation in Florida, where nieces and nephews from around the country came to spend time with Uncle Ken, Aunt Brenda and Cousin Stephen. Originally created as a keepsake for the campers, the films have developed quite a following over the years. Below is a short filmography of each of the films in the series.
Summer Vacation 2006 – The Ocho

Directed by Uncle Ken
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films
Edited by Aunt Brenda
Summer Vacation 2006 has finally arrived! After a rather lengthy twenty months of post production, this film made its debut in early February of 2008! Originally intended to be patterned after Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken, the editors abandoned that idea and went back to the formula that has proved successful for prior years. All new and original skits make this a must-have for your Camp Lowrie video collection!
Summer Vacation 2005 – Get your freak out

Directed by Uncle Ken
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films and Nightmare Productions
Edited by Aunt Brenda
2005 marked the 6th year for Camp Lowrie Films, and the kids were up to the challenge of making one of the best films ever. Kambrie and Alex return after a five year hiatus, and newcomers Jessica and Aleah joined the regular crew to establish new standards in summer vacation video. This year features some all new skits that some have compared to the legendary Jeep C*O*P*S film of 2002!
Summer Vacation 2004 – The New Crew

Directed by Uncle Ken
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films and Nightmare Productions
Edited by Aunt Brenda
The kids have returned to Camp Lowrie in Florida for another fun filled summer vacation. Three new campers join forces with the regular crew as they enjoy two weeks of parks, beaches and hangin’ out at Uncle Ken & Aunt Brenda’s.
Summer Vacation 2003 – The Midwest

Directed by Uncle Ken
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films and Nightmare Productions
Edited by Uncle Ken
Here’s the fourth installment of your favorite summer movie from Camp Lowrie Films, this time with a new twist. We took the party to Iowa this summer to show what goes on while the kids are in Florida. So join the gang and their families for another fun filled Summer Vacation as we take Camp Lowrie on the road to America’s Heartland.
Summer Vacation 2002 – Here we go again a.k.a. Jeep C*O*P*S
Directed by Uncle Ken, Erin, Brandon, Joey, Kyle & Stephen
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films and Nightmare Productions
Edited by Uncle Ken and Aunt Brenda
Just when you thought it couldn’t possible get more interesting than last year, it happened! Less than two hours after arriving in Florida, Kyle sets the tone by breaking his arm on the scooter! From there on out, it’s one disaster after another, including Brandon falling down the stairs while sleep walking, and Joey sufferering a first round defeat in a HORSE tournament at the hands of Jenny!
Summer Vacation 2001 – Oops, we did it again

Directed by Erin McEvoy
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films
Edited by Erin and Uncle Ken
They’re baaack! That’s right folks, the kids of Camp Lowrie have returned for another fun-filled summer vacation in Florida. Join the gang on their new adventures at Ocean Walk resort in Daytona Beach, Universal Studios, and everyone’s favorite, Islands of Adventure.
Summer Vacation 2000 – The original

Directed by Erin McEvoy
Produced by Camp Lowrie Films
Edited by Erin and Uncle Ken
This is the original Camp Lowrie summer movie. A truly low budget classic that’s sure to win over your heart and soul. Join the whole summer gang as they go to Busch Gardens, Islands of Adventure, Daytona Beach, Bowling, and much, much more.
Are you missing one of these films from your library? Send an email to Cloudy Logic to request your replacement copy.